Clean More Service, Then and Now

In 1980, Don and Verna Sveinson decided to enter the world of business and purchase Clean More Service. It was a contract cleaning company with approximately eight employees.
Over the next 10 years it grew to over 30 employees cleaning most of the major buildings in Dryden, Ontario. Carpet cleaning and a delivery service were then added.
At that time it was decided to slowly leave the cleaning business and convert to a cleaning supply business. A new building was erected at 131 Duke Street where the business operates today.
In 2001, a series of events, some planned, some not, made it necessary for both sons to enter the business before they were ready. After some turbulent years, Michael and Ian along with their partner Shawn Dustin now have a thriving supply business serving all of Northwestern Ontario and have revisited the contract cleaning and building maintenance business.
Don Sveinson,
Clean More Service
who we are
contact us
Telephone: 1 (807) 223-2467
Fax: 1 (807) 223-2549